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Supporting the hobby, conducting research, preserving & promoting the history of Pennsylvania License Plates
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The Plate of the Week award this week goes to an anonymous contributor for their shot of number 4. This is technically considered a vanity/personalized plate, the history of which can be found in the middle column of photos on the Passenger history page. For a long while, number 1 was reserved for the Governor, number 2 was reserved for the Lieutenant Governor, and numbers 3-23 were reserved for members of the Governor's Cabinet, but this is no longer the case.
Here are a few new highs for the following types:
Antique Historic Vehicle (from Bruce Bufalini),
Washington & Jefferson College (from Bruce Sakson),
Rutgers University (from Jaska Börner), and
Lehigh Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 (from Nick Tsilakis).
For all current highs, be sure to check out the Highs page!
Here's another high, this time for the Preserve Our Heritage type from Dante Hornberger. What's more interesting than it being a new observed high is that it's likely the "beginning of the end": the "Z" series will likely be the last series before this type is transitioned to the "Family of Plates" design language. As always, stay tuned to this site for more developments.
Here is a pair of special organization plates without the sticker well and without a map graphic. As discussed in previous posts, this was a holdover format while plates were produced but the map graphic hadn't yet been decided on. Thank you to Nick Tsilakis for the picture of the Pennsylvania College of Technology plate and Brendan Sherry for the picture of the Purple Heart / Combat Wounded Veteran plate. Click the links to learn more about the history of these plate types.
Last but not least, we now have a graphic rendering of the recently-redesigned Philadelphia Museum of Art plate. One personalized plate (right) has been observed with the new logo but no numbered plates - yet! Thank you to John McDevitt for the info and picture.
The Plate (Plates?) of the Week award this week goes to Walt Poposki for this awesome run of #1 Moravian University plates. This plate type recently received a minor redesign to its logo, and it is now Moravian University (no longer Moravian College). Moravian University is located in Bethlehem, PA. Click the picture to see a full-size version! Extra credit question: There is one format missing from this group - do you know which one it is? Check out Keystone State Plates Facebook group to chime in!
Up next is a new high for the PA District Kiwanis International plate type. This plate type has a very interesting history: it was annouced in 2005 but not enough orders were received so the organization cancelled the plate program in May 2009. In April/May 2015, the plate program was resurrected and plates started to hit the roads shortly thereafter. The last time this high was updated was November 2017 with number 00010 K/I. According to the vanity checker, 00016 K/I is the highest current number. For all current highs, be sure to check out the Highs page!
Here is a pair of Gold Star Family plates (left from Jeff Lesher, right from Nick Tsilakis). The numeric plate is a new high. Click the link for a complete history on this plate type!
Chuck Harrington sends in this picture of a plate in recognition of Governor Wolf's second inauguration. There was no official Inaugural plate for the 2019 Inauguration so this is considered a souvenir plate. Click the link to learn more about the history of this plate type.
Last up this week we have a personalized Blackthorn Rugby Football Club plate sent in by Chris Van Zandt. This is a relatively new plate type; it came out in 2022.
The Plate of the Week award goes to our own John McDevitt, for this new high (left) for the Dealer - Farm Equipment plate type. Last October all Dealer types were redesigned and replaced but none of these have been observed on the new format (right). John has reached out to PennDOT numerous times and has not gotten any conclusive information. For all current highs, be sure to check out the Highs page!
Here's a new plate type: American Fire Company #1, not to be confused with American Hose Company No. 1 plate type. No active plates on the road yet, so keep your eyes peeled!
John McDevitt also reports that two plate types are getting new logos: Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix and Geneva College. Click the links for a complete history on these plate types.
Here's a fairly uncommon one to spot in the wild: Commonwealth Constables Association, sent in by Bruce Bufalini. This type came out in 2016, which means that about 6 of these are issued each year on average.
Lastly we have this rare spot by John McDevitt of a Commercial Implement of Husbandry plate. These plates are for self-powered vehicles engaging in work on behalf of a farm. Here's a Fact Sheet from PennDOT for more information.
Ryan Battin submits this new high for the Classic Motorcycle plate type. The high for this type seldom gets updated; the last time it was updated before today was March 2022 with number 1008. This means about 230 plates are issued each year. For all current highs, be sure to check out the Highs page!
Here's another high sighting, this one from Nick Tsilakis, for the Millersburg Fire Company plate type. This type started in 2009, which means that about 3 plates are issued every two years! This is a great spot!
Bruce Bufalini shares this picture of a plate that appears to be an Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) plate. These plates are not made by PennDOT, and they are almost certainly for campus use only. IUP does have a special organization plate, click the link for more info!
John McDevitt reports that NicNac Charities will soon have a special organization plate. No plates are active yet, according to the PennDOT vanity plate availability tool.
Last up this week is a personalized Emergency Medical Services plate, a first for this site. Thank you to John Clark for the spot!