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(formerly known as Motorbike)

Motorbike plates were first introduced in 1920 and continued to be issued through 1949. In the early years they were sometimes referred to as Motor Bicycles or Bicycle Side Motors; today they are more commonly referred to as Mopeds, short for motorized-pedalcycle. Also, in the years up through 1933, the letter "O" was used on Motorbikes as a prefix to differentiate between them and Motorcycle plates. At least up through 1927 the letter "O" and the number "0" were the same size which makes earlier plates appear to be all numeric. From 1934 through 1949, the "O" was replaced with "MB" stacked on the left or right side, then with the introduction of the map outline in 1938, all plates had "MB" stacked on the right side. It should be noted that Motor Boat License plates also used the "MB" designator between 1955 and 1963. Thanks to Eric Tanner for some guidance with this section.

1977 - present

1977 (first year) - 2000

Notes Number Plate Personalized Plate Sample Plate
- Serial formats:
AA000 - AZ999
000AA - 999ZZ
Observed high: 670BW

- All plates measure 4 1/2" x 8"

From Bruce Bufalini
Not offered on this format

2000 - 2007

Notes Number Plate Personalized Plate Sample Plate
- Observed serial range:
BA000 to BM999

- All plates measure 4" x 7"

From John McDevitt
Not offered on this format

2007 - present

Notes Number Plate Personalized Plate Sample Plate
- Observed serial range:
BN000 to current high

- All plates measure 4" x 7"

From John McDevitt